AI-proof your career

Become a problem-solving entrepreneur

The World Economic Forum predicts that AI will affect every job and that 25% will be replaced in the next five years.

This is a big wake-up call; I know it was for me.

After I read this, I had one question:

  • Is my job going to be replaced?

So, I started researching and found multiple lists.

The career fields that fall into the highly likely to be replaced category include:

  • Office administrative support

  • Financial operations

  • Business operations

  • Legal support

  • Management

  • Architecture

  • Engineer

  • Sales

Those career fields may be eventually replaced, but everyone will be affected.

Today, people are using AI for everyday work tasks such as:

  • Marketing

  • Data analysis

  • Writing emails

  • Planning meetings

They use it to make their work easier and efficient, but so do their employers.

Companies are looking for solutions to automate and streamline their businesses. They can replace people with AI systems or scale down departments as efficiency increases.

How can someone tell if they are at risk of AI replacement?

A good rule of thumb is "If you're working like a machine, then eventually you will be replaced by one".

In the real world, this means going to work every day and doing repetitive tasks that can easily be done by a system or program.

Take a look back at the list of jobs that are highly likely to be replaced. Those jobs are repetitive and can be switched out for a much cheaper software program.

Another risk is potential layoffs or shrinking departments as companies make funds available for AI investments and research. Either way, it looks like The World Economic Forum is right about our work being affected by AI in some way or another.

What are current employees doing about this?

Unfortunately, some are unaware of this real situation, and some don't care.

I am writing this letter for the ones who are unaware and who care.

As for the others, I guess only time will tell.

For the ones who want to be proactive, the answer is and will always be cultivating the creator and entrepreneur mindset.

The Mindset:

The best Creators and entrepreneurs solve hard, important, and valuable problems.

You need to be, above all else, a problem solver. This is the way forward and how every successful person has navigated their life.


The first thing you need to do is find a valuable problem worth solving.

Think about it: every good product you bought has solved some problem in your life and made your life easier.

You can choose:

  • An already established problem


  • A problem you have solved in your life

The big thing is being sure it’s a real problem and worth solving.


Once you have chosen a problem, it's time to outline a project to create a product or service to solve it.

Think about things you would need to complete this:

  • Skills

  • Goals

  • Software

  • Research

  • Education

  • Outcomes

I know this seems like a lot, but you have everything you need to be successful at the tip of your fingers (the internet).

Get obsessed and learn everything required for your project.

This includes using AI to assist and even create an educational path for you. This is how we move forward with AI. Use it to help with solutions rather than it be a problem.


This project isn't just for fun, though it can be fun to work on. You need to monetize it if you ever want to be in control of your earning power.

This requires learning marketing, copywriting, and sales. You can check out my article The 3 key skills to own your time and money to get an overview of each.

Now, with a complete solution, begin testing it. Send it out into the world and ask for feedback. Use the recommendations to make it better. Keep iterating until you have a great product or service.

This problem-solving mindset is at the core of every great creator and entrepreneur. This mindset will set you up for success as AI affects your job. No matter what the future holds, there will always be problems. You will be irreplaceable if you can create solutions and people find them valuable.

That's all for this one
