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- Transform your life in 6 months
Transform your life in 6 months
The 5 must-know fundamentals

Most people have had the same goal for the last 5 years.
"I want to get fit"
"I want to travel more"
"I want to get out of debt finally"
"I want to quit my job and do something different"
In the end, the only thing that changed was the year they lived in.
Now they are still:
Struggling with weight
Going to the same places
In the same debt (maybe more)
Working at the same job they hate and somehow promoted
And the worst of all, they are now 5 years older.
Our cycle of wanting, starting, and failing has to stop. Time works against us every day we don't take action. Years turn into decades and life moves on.
This can get hard on us as we get older and look back on our lives. Wishing we would have started sooner or done things differently.
This won't be you if I can help it.
The good news is there are many people who started in the same situation and found ways to break the cycle. They implemented principles that have transformed their lives.
They now have self-confidence and feel better about their bodies. They have experienced new foods and places. They finally left the job they hated and were financially free.
Whatever your goals are, they are possible. You can change and transform yourself. You first need to learn the principles that will guide you there:
1. Clarity
We can't go anywhere or do anything if we aren't first clear on where we want to go. Most people quit or don't start because they aren't clear about what they want. They pursue a blurry vision and end up somewhere unfamiliar or in the same place they started.
To make your goals clear, ask yourself questions like:
What do I want my life to look like?
What don't I want my life to look like?
What's the most important thing to me?
What would I be doing if money wasn't an issue?
Answering these questions will get you moving in the right direction, but clarity is only the start. Now, you need to be intentional and create a plan.
Being intentional with a clear goal will push you far ahead of anyone chasing a vague goal. As soon as you figure out what you want or where you want to be, plan. Check out Master Your Time Like a CEO where I cover common ways to plan your goals and be intentional.
Execute every day and look back every week to ensure you are still on the best path to your goal.
Being clear about your goal is the first step to transforming your life.
2. Take responsibility for your life
Most people can be offered 1,000 ways to get out of their situation, and they will give you 1,001 ways they can't. They find it easier to blame everyone or find any excuse not to change their own lives.
Understand this, no one is coming to save you. You have one life and it's your responsibility to make something out of it. You can ask for help, but in the end, everything is up to you.
I understand you had no choice in the family you were born into or the environment you grew up in. You do, however, have all the responsibility and ability to change how you react to it.
You must understand this point. You will live a miserable life if you walk around blaming everyone and everything for the misfortunes of your life. Tragedy and life happen to everyone, but the ones who succeed and overcome are the ones who control their reactions.
This starts with being aware of where you are and where you want to be. After that, it's completely on you to take action, no matter how small, towards that life.
Combine this mindset with the other fundamentals in this letter to guide you over the next 6 months.
3. Change your environment
Your mind is being influenced with or without your permission.
The content you watch, the people you talk to, your friends, and the places you hang out all influence how you view and think about the world.
Some are aware of how important this is, but most people never think twice about it. You need to change your environment as fast as possible.
I know this isn't easy to do physically. There are economic factors that play a role in where we live and spend our time. But remember what I said, "You need to take responsibility for your life".
For example, I changed my environment by reading books. I would find top-rated books about whatever I was interested in at the time and start reading. I would go to a library, thrift store, or bookstore depending on what I was looking for. This changed everything, because while I was in the same environment physically, and mentally I was exposed to new ideas and systems. Over time those ideas started to change my physical environment.
The point here is that I changed my environment and the influences on me without physically changing much.
Another thing you can do is change your digital environment.
Most people use it to get away from the real world, but not you. Use the internet to your benefit. Instead of mindlessly consuming, use it to research and fight your way out of the situation you are in now.
For example, you can start by learning 3 in-demand skills to start moving in a new direction. Check out The 3 key skills to own your time and money if you need help getting started.
Make these small changes and you won't be the same person in the next 6 months.
4. Invest in yourself
Most people will tell you to invest in stocks, crypto, real estate, and everything in between. While some are good options, the best investment you can make is in yourself.
You need to be constantly adapting so that you can thrive in the future. You are the one thing that keeps your life moving forward. The investment that is going to give you the highest return is the one you make in yourself.
Read books
Question everything
Take care of your health
Take courses online or in person
Build quality relationships with other lifelong learners
You will live an interesting and fulfilling life when you start investing in yourself.
5. Be Consistent
Anything worthwhile takes time. True transformation takes time and most people quit right before their breakthrough.
They go to the gym for a couple of weeks then quit. They save money for a trip and then spend it all on viral TikTok products. They outline a plan to leave their job and then stop pursuing it after a few weeks. They were close to accomplishing their true goals but fell back into their old habits.
This won't be you.
I need you to understand consistency and how powerful it is. This is arguably the most important prerequisite to true and lasting success.
Whatever your goal is, you need to be consistently taking action every day towards it. This needs to be drilled into your daily routine and life. You should feel as if your day is incomplete if you don't do it.
I know others might think this is extreme, but that’s what real transformation is. Identify the tasks that you need to do and do them every day.
Be consistent.
These fundamentals will change your life if you apply them to your goals over the next 6 months.
Remember, we are in control of our reactions to whatever situation we have been thrown into. We hold the keys that unlock our potential.
Transformation first starts in us.
Thanks for reading
- Juan